
Thursday, December 2, 2010


Super Awesome. SPM so fast end for second week, one more week and I graduated.
I just finished the 7th subject today, which is Physics, one of the murderous subject.
I totally agree what people say about Mathematician and Physicians are two people.
Total of three paper, killing the brain cell.
I slept at 12.30am and wake up at 4am for study, total of 3 and a half hours of sleeping.
Awesome! Huh? NO! Super NOT! 'NOT GATE' -.- The brain still full with the thing I read.
Never mind, three subjects left, 2 with three part and 1 with two part. -.-
Chemistry is the next, my favourite science subject, coming after is Biology, all about living thing, hmm, last but not least one of my favourite subject, Principle of Account, I LOVE COUNTING!
While, there actually got people left one subject, How NICE!
Nevertheless, I will study hard, yeah, and of course study smart.
I learned from you, SYJ! =)
Days sure pass by so fast, isn't it, I felt like yesterday just started to enter Form 4.
And now I almost finish my studies in school.
Through out these few weeks, my mind was setting that thing.
I don't know already, just hope my wish will be reality in the coming days.

Now, Veh Hann was asking me whether going for language class after SPM.
He said his 2nd brother was learning Japanese now, Awesome, I just know some of my friends was so good in speaking Japanese and I was dreaming on learning Japanese since Primary School but never had a chance.
And he some more said that he going to learn Korean after SPM. WHAT?! Both brother also the same. How about the youngest? I wonder.
So, How should I do? Learn Korean or Japanese? Both have their advantage.
Perhaps, I might go learn both. I know I will be suffer. Hmm, lemme think..
WHATEVERR! Just focus now on the exam.

I just viewed TGS blog just now, not more than 30 minutes ago, that also a reason why I blog.
They everyday also will post, Yeah, everyday, and more than 100++ posts a month, mine? Less than 10. =P So, from now on, I will be posting stupid post, wonderful post, awesome post, lousy post or anything to make the blog alive, although no visitor. I don't care.
Alright, just found a song and let share it. ^^

Enjoy! I going to Download Maple SEA again and going to play. =)
Every time think of the game sure think of some one I really sorry. =( Gomemasai.

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