
Monday, November 29, 2010

Day pass by Days

Day pass by Days,
the Sun started to shine upon you,
you are as bright as the star,
the star who shine upon in the sky,
although just a small star,
but you're brightness has attract the cloud,
and the cloud was surrounded you.

Day pass by Days,
I felt distance from you,
look like you're gone further,
I can't see you,
the cloud was expanding,
the cloud prevent me to see you,
and I lost the sight of you.

Day pass by Days,
your posture keep attacking my mind,
mind full of smiley of your face,
the image has blocked the path to advance,
and I felt so desperate to meet you,
although you're in the sky and I'm on the land,
both of us from different part of the world.

Day pass by Days,
you smile and smile,
your smile had melted my heart,
a cold heart that shouldn't melt easily,
as your brightness shine upon me,
just like icy cube went into hot spring,
within a second, it's all gone for you.

A simple life of mine,
might be a tougher life
after the ray shine upon me,
as you're too attractive,
just like the rainbow after rain,
too beautiful with simple colour,
and I hope,
the cloud will be gone,
forever and ever disappear,
and left you and me.

Well, what had I wrote?! A desperate boy seeking someone?
It is all because of you. I need a rest, a rest can forget everything.
It even sad after watching this video, I EVEN CRY OUT.
It so touching..

Please, I seriously love my family, just that I don't know how to present the love,
That why, but guys, LOVE YOUR FAMILY MORE. Don't regret and the most important thing,
If you want to cry, just cry. If you really don't want people to see you cry, go hide a side and cry.
or cry during shower...Cry can make you feel better, believe me.
And let cry out loud.

Ok, forget about the sad and try to be happy.
Here a song from TGS, I love their songs, every song have their meaning..
Release on April 2010. Kind of old already this song but I just keep listening during bad mood.
TGS, First song, キラリ (Kirari).

A great song with a great message - believe in your dreams, they can come true!
すてきな歌とすてきなメッセージ - "あなたの夢をしんじて"!

Have to go now, love your parents more and also believe in your dream

Edit** Listen this song, Awesome.
Fairy Tail Story (Tong Hua)


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