
Friday, May 11, 2012


Her name was Liang Kexin. She was just 7 years old when she meet her destiny. She was a victim during China  Shichuan earthquake in the year 2008. She lost her left leg. The bone on her right leg seems to be dislocated.

Everyday, there's many people suffering out there. As for us who living in a good condition, we shouldn't complain our life. We should treasure it instead. Look into the bright side, those who survive can live their life to the fullness and glad that they get the chance to live. They treasure those remaining that the God gave them.

By looking at them, we can learn a lot of thing. From mentality to physicality, they might be stronger than us normal people. They have a positive mentality and strong physical body that they endure the pain they felt. Could you ever do that? You never know.

As a return, we should pray for them to have a better life in the future. If possible, we should help out them as far as we could. Donating is one of the way to help out. There's also people volunteer to visit and help them out personally. Many doctors and medics willing to check on them and didn't ask for return. Parents should encourage their child to participate in helping out those victim by sending them card or video clip. Even children can draw a simple picture for the children who went through those bad experience. This could helps to increase their morale to live.

All of this was just my thought after looking at the innocent children in the picture. The mark will be there forever and she's going to live like that in the future.

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