
Monday, September 5, 2011

Holiday Week 1 Part 1

Let me warn you first. This gonna be a super long post. Regardless about the pass few weeks.
Okay, because of too much content, I'm going to break into three post.
Let's start off with the first post. Enjoy reading.

This blog been down for some time because I didn't post any news about me.
Some people even say my blog getting boring. Useless or even hurtful.
TRUE! I didn't deny it. So, I'm gonna post something so that I can open that people eye.

Anyway, let's start off with few weeks ago. Exam approaching. I was so nervous because that was my first ever final exam in college. Everyone was stress out. Everything gone so fast that we don't have enough time to relax. I'm lied. Everyone seem to be kinda relaxing until the week before final. There was this guy called Yao Qin who keep on asking the question that I couldn't even answer him because it was too tough. He is the cleverest guy in class yet he asking someone who wasn't that clever like me. What I could say is he bringing everyone more pressure.
Anyway, forget him. He's a nice guy anyway. Just that overexcited about the college work.

What I do when the exam getting closer?
Standing at the balcony looking the outside world.
Sometime I do snap pictures.
That why I said
"I look like a bird in a cage where the door is open".
It's because I free to go outside but exam is around the corner that I need to study.

A random picture I took through the balcony.
It's so creepy as the sky was in Orange/Red colour.

Although it's getting nearer the exam,
we still not motivated.
Chatting from high to low,
Laughing from soft to loud,
Smurfing from here to there.
Okay, no smurfing.

See, a prove for relaxing..
But Chee Yang (man in black) was so hardworking...
Don't get cheated, he was copying something from my book.

There, now he join us. Is it because of the thing I say so he felt like wanna punch me?
Okay, lame. Fine. Ignore that part.
Boon Ping, sleeping at the camera. LOL.

See. He even start snapping back.
None of the people in the really into exam mood yet...except Yao Qin?

Jun Wen, still chatting happily. Heeheeheee.

This picture like Raymond is doing some magic.
"Look at me, HUAH, MAGIC, Your underwear disappear!!"
Hahaha, just kidding.

Patriotic eh? It's Singapore Independent's day.
But you're Malaysian what...HAHAA.
Nope, just a pose for me to snap the pic.

I look like a 'Pak Cik' sitting at the park chatting with other 'Pak Cik'.
Anyway, this picture was taken on my birthday.
We were actually going to celebrate my birthday at Jusco Alpha Angle.
The time we finished shopping, it suddenly heavy downpour.
We have no choice but to cancel the party in Secret Recipe.
Tell you, I really very disappointed because....I wasted RM4 for a Roti John.
HAHAHA, I bet you thought I going to say I disappoint because of the rain and no birthday celebration. Anyway, still depress a bit because I was looking forward to it in college. Haiz.

After that week, we have 6 days of no college.
Which is the final preparation for final exam.
It felt like we enter the torture room.
Some of the content look fresh because some of the lecturer talk to themselves in class.
The 'Introduction to Physics' is real thick.
Thousands of pages, it took me an hour to read 15 to 20 pages.
How long it took to finish the whole book??
Physics. No kidding. It's awesome yet confusing.

Total energy equal to that plus this plus that plus this. @@
More in the back chapter. I mean the type of energy can be calculated.

This is scary, even bio stuff related to physics. The concept, it's tough!!!
Lucky exam only come out all calculation questions.

The physics of that this that this. @@

Two weeks of exam.
Some continue the next day after one exam
and some have a day rest between exam.
Start off with
1.Hubungan Etnik (HE)
2. English (ENG)
3. Engineering Science (ES)
4. Engineering Mathematics (EM)
5. Basic Electronic (BE)
6. Principle of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (PEEE)
Did anyone notice every subject contain the alphabet 'E'?

After that, on the last day of exam.
We shout/cry/laugh for joy!
And took a lot picture as below.

Some of the member in group B.
Jing Wei ignore us and look like a dai gor behind talking to phone.

Someone say I look like going to eat Ann Ann.
Do you notice where is Ee Chai?
Chee Yee blocked him. hahaha.

They all agree with my plan.
Which is going to McD in Jusco for dinner.

Yeah, we met Peter and guy in purple...I dono his name yet
because he used Chinese name in Facebook and he's from Group A..
They on their way back to Ampang..

They seem to be like kidnapping me. Aduh.
Sakitnya. RELEASE ME!! HELP ME!!! AHHH!!
I can only say Wangsa Maju LRT security guard don't care we play and shout at there.

Off we go to McD.
Well, before entering McD, we have a lot of joke in SnJ.
It's because McD's Ramadhan Promotion time haven't reach.

Total of eight person.
At first, it was just me. LOL.
I plan to take away if I'm the only one person..
At least I know my friends were good.
They willing to teman me. =D

Someone was talking our picture but what am I doing?

I was taking back picture of her. Hahaha.

The group picture. =D
LOL at those who couldn't join us. Weeee~

It was also a small farewell party for Khoo.
He's leaving. Not coming back for Sem 2. Too bad.
He's a good man, wise and honest.
He's not vegetarian but avoid eating meat.
He's also used to work in Temple I assume.
Because his Facebook profile have a lot of his picture regarding about temple stuff.

Another group picture.

Last group picture before everyone dismiss and have their holiday.

After we dismiss, I walk back with Jun Wen to our condo.
After reach back, shower, and it's time to pack up.
Yep, packing up the thing to bring back hometown.
It took quite long for me to pack everything.
I some more thought that I will have extra time to watch anime.

While packing, I found this.
It was my first experiment in TARC. Soldering.
It was a failure but I remain it.

Living in KL, without cooking.
Only choices is to 'da pao'.
Been 'da pao' for the past three and a half months.
A lot of plastic spoon.
I keep some, this is just one out five of the spoon.
Damn wasteful.
I have my own steel spoon so I don't need this.

Everything packed. Everything kept.
It's time for next day.
I continue the story on next post.


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