
Monday, January 3, 2011

Another day has gone..

Once again I went for driving lesson. I totally don't like the way the uncle speak to me at first.
I know he was caring for me and wanted me to be better.
But turn around, he is making me more tension and nervous.
He keep saying you see you see, I told you already, then keep shaking head, then haiz that haiz this. I really tolerate at first.
I totally couldn't bear with it after that and started to say back.
My bad, sorry uncle.
Well, I just said that 'WALAO, I know ALREADY LA! You though I don't want to learn better meh. I need some time to get better ma.' Totally cannot control my mouth, but I speak to him with a pity/sob voice. (which like I almost cry out like that) .
After a while I said so, he get down from the car.
I drive alone, and get better. I felt so bad that I think I hurt that uncle heart.
When I going for the small mountain, I actually saw that uncle rubbing his eye with his handkerchief. I keep getting better and better anyway.
And learned everything today but in four hours.
That make me learned 12 hours of driving. Which each hour RM23.
Come to think again. That uncle was making profit so much that the first few lesson he didn't teach the important. Others was like study parking in first lesson while I study parking in 5th lesson. Anyway, I still have one or two more lesson which going to make him more profit.
After all, the one crying should be my mum who pay money and not him.

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