
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Sunway Lagoon

Today I went to Sunway Lagoon with 2 of my friends and one cousin.
Oh! I don't want to post first, totally exhausted by now. I
I will edit and post tomorrow after another event.
Chinese Society Farewell Party 2010.
Last day in Chinese Society. =(


Today I went to Sunway Lagoon with 2 of my friends and one cousin.
Lee Kern Yen, Nicklaus Tan, Alfrey Koh and me! =)
It was the best!
Hahaha, I went to PC Fair and think PC Fair the best.
Then I went to Comic Fiesta and think it better than PC Fair.
Now, I went to Sunway Lagoon and think Sunway Lagoon were better than the others.
This really make my holiday fun.

We actually arrive late to there.
That why we picked the packaged including three park.
It were Water Park, Amusement Park and Wildlife Park.
We planned earlier that we skip Wildlife Park for the other park.
Wildlife Park will waste the time for fun.

We start off with Water Park.
At first, we though that four of us might be a little bit boring
as very few people.
We found out that four people is the best amount
as most of the game is fix with two people
which we seperated to two group each time.

The first game we ever played is
'African Pythons'.
First, Alfrey and me took the full open slide
and then the total close slide.
The best time is your shout can be echo
by the closed slide. Awesome.
Then we went for 'Congo Challenge'
before 'Cameroon Climb'.
After this, we went to the surf pool
and wanted to play surf.
Unfortunately, it's hasn't start yet.
We planned to come back again.
Back for more 'Congo Challenge' before lunch.

We had lunch at one of the stall there.
The for there were EXPENSIVE!
One set of burger cost RM14. -.-
Too bad I hasn't eat anything early.
So, I had no choice but to spent the money.

Time for Amusement Park.
We start off with 'Pirate's Revenge'.
Bad idea cost it was the SCARIEST RIDE
Here some video of that ride.
You got shocked after seeing how that ship turn. -.-

After that ride, I felt like don't wanna
try any of other ride but I tried.
I shouted at every ride, PURPOSELY!
Hahaha, after my ride,
seem like more people gather for the ride.
Lucky we fast, or because of me?
We sat 'Lost City of Gold', 'Grand Canyon River Rapids',
'Colorado Splash', 'Niagara Falls Flume Ride' and
'Buffalo Bill Coaster' before back to Water Park.

The sad thing is it's start thunder after
we just enter the Water Park again.
Seem like time to go back.
We showered and packed.
The rain start to stop after packing. -.-
I felt like we being scam.

Anyway, I have great fun you guys.
I hope I had another chance to
visit back her with more friends
and more time to play.

We missed the Surf! Arg!

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