
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Happy and yet Sad.

How many post have I'm post lately...?
It's little. Not more than ten I think in the year of 2010. Haiz. I'm too lazy too post. It even worse when nobody is visiting my blog. I could say it as sad than weird.
Haiz. I felt my relationship with you all has fall a lot. Am I boring or naughty or Bad or anything. Cannot think. I have nothing to talk with you. Have nothing to discuss.
'My life felt like a miserable life with just sorrow and pain.'
Friend, have you make me a good friend of you, or best friend... or just normal friend. I just scare you didn't make me as a friend.
I still remember the first time I start writing my thing in blog is because Chun Cheat.
Now, perhaps you still angry with me because taking your @-cash for trading the t-shirt. I'm know I'm shouldn't but that time...Just sorry. Couldn't make it up for you. Chun Cheat was a best friend of mine when the first day we met at Delta. Still remember, Chun Cheat? Your red pen was lose and it drop into my bag. We share my pen until I found your pen. Then, we become friend. After the event...You seem change... SORRY!!! It been two years from there. Tell you the truth, I don't have the gut to wear the shirt in front of you because I scare you angry...but then, you seem even angry when I didn't wear the shirt... No wonder they say think before do...
I such a bad person...haiz....blame me...blame me....
I felt like all my past good friends was no longer my good friends. Even BEST FRIENDS. I'm a greedy person, you can say that and the conclusion is greedy person make not much happy.
Know why I'm always be good, don't want to scold bad word, always tries to help when they is a need because I want you all recognise me. Haiz...Such a loser...
Haha, this are not the main thing of the post but I talk too much....I feel better...
So, my personality is always blame myself for doing wrong to friends. Haiz. I try to don't hurt people but.....ok ok...stop here....

Here come the main thing of this post. 'Happy and yet Sad?'
Yes, First monthly test is officially finished. Now, there will be a break during school holiday but I think I will be busy like *Red Bull?* ... like a *Madman?* ... couldn't come out a word...Pai seh...
Anyway, Happy, but the thing is, This meant SPM is getting NEARER. Yes, It's true.
This blog have a least a history of 4 years...Look through the past and I have done a lot of thing but still I haven't discover a lot of thing...

What I'm Talking About?!?! LOL. Better stop the crap. Just a part of spending my time after the stress of monthly test....


20th March 2010.
My house will having a Open House
but only invited person can come.
Sorry, I couldn't invite everyone because my mother limit me to invite 20 person maximum only...
Next time, when there is a celebration or something, I try to invite you...
That mean those who been invite are really you care?
Yes!!!.. NO LAH!!!
I seperate the gang into many group and fix in...
And I only can invite Old Classmate and Librarian...
(Actually I don't want to invite you) NO LA NO LAH!!!
I think my father won't invite many people because he wan to cut the cost. haha.
Have to eat now. BYE BYE!

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